Pet Food Cover

Rufus usually gets a mixture of wet and dry food for dinner but I don't feed him whole cans at a time. What to do with the remaining wet food? Easy! After I scoop a few spoonfuls, I pop this on the can and stick it in the fridge door.

This baby keeps the food nice and fresh. None of Rufus' food smells mix with mine and none of mine with his. Plus they are re-usable and very easy to wash. Where would I be without a pet food cover??

Rufus' grandma bean was visiting last week and accidentally threw it away after making him a scrumptious dinner! Poor Rufus won't get any wet food till I pick up a new one. I bought this from Petco but I'm sure other brands work just as well.

Rufie Rating: Four paws!


  1. We got ours at PetSmart and they had a slit in top for a little spoon! We also got some from the vet.

  2. My mom said she is gonna pick one of those up for the kitties at my grandhuman's house. They get wet food. I'm not allowed...

  3. I like the kitty and doggie on the top of the cover, too! Very good idea. I only feed my kitties small tins so we don't have this problem. They each get a tin of their own every day.

  4. These are great. We got ours in the grocery store - they were hanging up in the pet aisle. I think they have had the same design on the cover for the last 30 years :) - but they work!

  5. Happy day. Rufus! Enjoy your meal!

  6. No wet food because of human error!? We're shocked.

    Our wet food comes in tiny containers (very tiny) with barely a portion in each.

  7. My mum also recommends using a bit of aluminium foil over the top of a can if you can't use it all in one go (we usually don't have that problem because there are 3 of us.)
