Rufus never had a hairball problem but I bought the Hartz Hairball Remedy as a precaution when I first adopted him. I wanted to make sure I'd be prepared for anything that could happen.
Rufus loved the taste of this. He lapped it up like there was absolutely no tomorrow. I gave it to him on a few occasions. Shortly thereafter, I discovered something hard under his chin while I was petting him. I had no idea what it was and soon found that it was a scab the size of a dime.
I couldn't pinpoint what it was at first but through trial and error, it became clear this product was the culprit. It made him itchy and he would scratch his chin with his hind paw till he bled. When I discontinued use, the scabs went away.
Please also note that this brand of pet products has been known to cause problems in pets so use extra caution when you use anything manufactured by Hartz on your furry buddies.
Rufie Rating: 0 paws :(
That's very interesting. I've always used Laxatone on Praline.