"Sorry, Fido, It’s Just a Guy Thing"

Rufus and I have just read another fab NYT article - "Sorry, Fido, It’s Just a Guy Thing"!

Courtesy: New York Times

We've highlighted the best parts ...

"It seems that man’s best friend is no longer a golden retriever, but a cuddly cat named Fluffy."

“Straight men with cats seem to be really secure and stable. They don’t need to be running around the park and proving their masculinity like the dog guys.”

Cheers to all the cat dudes out there! :)


  1. Hey, that's really cool! Mom says I am her radar for people that come in the house.

    Thanks for dropping by today with the well wishes. Mom says I appear to be feeling a little better. Please keep me in your thoughts and purrayers!

  2. Great article! Some guys try to act all tough, but they really aren't. My dad said he didn't want a cat, but then I came along and now he's a big softie!

  3. Mon knows as many guys that have cats as she knows lady cat owners!
