A New 'Toy'

I've spent a tidy sum buying Rufus toys. Wands, balls, track toys, you name it, I've bought it! He likes them initially but gets bored. Then he discovered a loose shoelace and things have not been the same!

Rufus posing with his new favorite 'toy'!

The bright side- shoelaces are cheap! I wonder what other unintentional cat 'toys' he'll like...


  1. Our favorite toys are tissue paper and the string out of Mom's pj's

  2. It's always the cheap stuff thats good!

  3. Hiya Rufus!

    That shoelace looks really fun! I should warn you though... it looks alot like a long piece of ribbon I stumbled upon a couple Christmas' ago. Unbeknownst to Glogirly, I ate it. It's a pretty sore subject around here that we call "the ribbon incident." Something about emergency surgery, very expensive ribbon... you get my drift. Just be careful. The surgery was not fun.

    But at least now the V-E-T is scared of me.

    (Glogirly's ribbon-free cat)

  4. It sounds like our house. It doesn't matter what comes home in shiny wrappers, nothing beats the inner tubes from rolls of paper towels!

  5. Morning Rufus,
    You and I like simple toys....no use to spends lots of bucks. I love the ring of the milk bottle. Have a lovey weekend my friend.
    Madi and Mom

  6. Hai Rufus has yoo tried foil balls? milk caps and rings? Our favorite is teasin da woofie Jake.

  7. We like the dad's socks and the girls scrunchies.

  8. We find that the best toys are those that aren't supposed to be...

  9. At our house it's the twisty ties from the loaves of bread.

  10. Hi Rufus!
    Have a good weekend there!

  11. That looks like lots of fun. We like to play with our mom's shoe laces when they are in her shoes. I think we will ask mom for our own set of shoe laces.
