Petromalt Hairball Relief

Rufus is getting older and is starting to get hairballs. Hairballs had only been the stuff of legend to me, the kind of thing I'd only see in cartoons. Never before had I seen anything like it and now that I have, I will do anything to make sure I don't ...ever again. This is where the Petromalt comes in.

Creepiest picture of Rufus ever.

Lapping it up!

Rufus loves the taste of this stuff. I give him a little strip each day and the hairballs have been gone since I purchased the product. One tube has been lasting us for weeks so that's also a plus.

I've given Rufus other hairball preventatives in the past but he usually reacts badly to them. When I gave him some of the Hartz Hairball Remedy or hairball control dry food, he itches himself to the point of breaking skin and scabbing. Rufus hasn't shown any adverse reaction to the Petromalt. We recommend this product!

Rufie Rating: Four Paws!


  1. We'll actually try some of that, Rufus. Our Mom has been wondering which product to try, so we thank you for your recommendation:)

  2. I need to get something like that for Cosmo. Her hairballs are so big they look like aliens!

  3. That's a great reco Rufus! I will ask Jen to buy some of that for me!

  4. Poor Rufus, if it's not fleas it's hairballs. Fortunately, they both appear to be under control now.

  5. I love this stuff too, I do it the same way every morning!

  6. That is very interesting. Thanks for the tip.

  7. We have tried it too. Not that we have a problem with hairballs.

  8. awww, poor Rufus! He doesn't look old to me!

  9. Petromalt is good stuff! Unfortunately, none of our cats will eat it for some reason. I'm glad Rufus likes it - I think it really helps with hairballs.

  10. Oh yes, that is a very good product! Hairballs are no fun at all!

  11. Is there salmon in that stuff? If not, it is not for me. Sorry.....

  12. We've not come across this stuff before.

  13. We only get hairballs in the late spring when we shed more than usual, so next spring we're going to try some of that.

  14. hairball begone darn you, i say! we gets em here on occasions. we can hear em coming from rooms away. i see the word malt at the end of the name on that tube- hm, malt? yum. maybe?

    -Us4 Gatos

  15. i havent see hairballs in my cats , they are only storyes for us, and they are aold as well, i hope they never have them.
